A quick run to the washroom every time you get your hands dirty may not be much of an option. So is keeping unclean hands. Avoid this trouble with the HF ECONOMY Hand Sanitiser dispenser to give you clean hands instantly.
Killing up to 99.9% of germs and reducing the proliferation of microorganisms, every use grants you long-lasting hygiene. With no need for water, this wall-mounted dispenser is best for hygiene-on-the-go.

button conjoined

and refillable bottles

800ml,1000ml and 1500ml

Detailed hand washes take up your precious time. Save the hassle with the HF LED hand sanitiser dispenser. An automatic, easy-to-use hand sanitiser dispenser to offer you smart hygiene.
Incorporated, with infra-red sensing technology and programmable settings, you are in for a touchless, convenient sanitizing experience.

of 2cm,4cm & 8cm

and 1000ml

Lose yourself from the grips of harmful germs with the HF LCD hand sanitiser dispenser.
A challenging feat it may seem, This wall-mounted dispenser makes it super easy with its powerful formula killing up to 99.9% of the germs residing on your hands. With a modern display and advanced settings, this dispenser can guarantee you a user-friendly sanitizing experience.