Enjoy some foamy fun with the Hygiene foam soap ECONOMY dispenser. Incorporated, with an anti-bacterial press button, this dispenser delivers hygienic foam shots every single time.
With the foamy texture, each shot uses up only a 75% lower volume of soap when compared to liquid soap shots. And the water consumption will go way down without the water being used up for lathering. That way, this dispenser gives you not just hygienic hands but some hefty savings.

anti-microbial press button

refillable bottles

800ml,1000ml & 1500 ml

Receive hand hygiene with a ton of savings with the Hygiene foam soap LED dispenser. Taking up a small space on your wall, it dispenses accurate foam shots automatically with simple hand gestures. That's right, no more mess for a bit of soap!
With its foamy texture and no need for water for lathering, you can bring down your utility bill amount just like that. And with each foam dosage consuming a 75% lesser soap volume, you can save a pretty tidy sum monthly.

and 1000ml refills

of 2s,4s & 8s

refill monitoring

Make handwashing 10 times more enjoyable and profitable with the Hygiene foam soap LCD dispenser.
Working with infrared sensing technology, this automatic dispenser dispenses just the right amount with simple hand gestures. Curbing excess consumption of refill content and water, this dispenser can be your easy ticket to stress-free, economical hand washing.